Hello everyone, and thank you for joining me for another blog! Today, I will be talking about my Personal learning Network. Now, you may be asking yourself, what is that? I did not know either until about 5 weeks ago!
My Personal Learning Network is my twitter account where it is a professional account, where I tweet about content related to education and History, as well as I am constantly learning techniques and concepts about teaching as well as learning new information about history.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this new twitter account, as it has been a new experience for me and is a great platform for someone like me, who is a future educator and a current college student, and there is so much for me to learn by using this platform. There are so many great mentors out there and current teachers that share such meaningful information that will help me in my future career as a teacher. These social media conversations I have taken apart of have definitely affected my outlook on learning, because the use of this professional twitter account makes me realize, that you can learn anywhere at anytime. With how our world is today, there is so many different platforms and technology that allows you to learn in so many different ways that seem unimaginable. I have other social media accounts, and never even thought of how there is a possibility of having a professional account where you are apart of a community that is in the same profession as you.

I have learned many different things through this twitter experience, however, there is one tweet that intrigued me a lot, and it is attached here. The tweet is talking about second chances and how essential they are, especially when it comes to your students as they are kids at the end of the day. When you think about your own life, there are countless amounts of times that we made a mistake, and then either received a 2nd chance or not.
Our students are just kids at the end of the day, and letting them have these second chances is so important as this will allow them to grow and learning from their own mistake.
There is also one more aspect of your Personal Learning Network, which is the Twitter Chat. Twitter Chats are where there is someone that serves as a moderator and holds a chat at a certain time, and everyone will come join the twitter chat using the hashtag and participating in the conversation. This is a great way to learn from so many people that are spread across the globe. I have participated in one twitter chat and it was a great experience and a fun new thing that I have done. Being connected like that with tons of people across the globe, sharing insight about whatever the topic may be, is a fun thing to do. Everyone is there for the same reason which is to share their thoughts and to learn from others.

That will do it for this week’s blog! I hope you will create your own twitter account and let is serve as a Personal Learning Network!
Check out my last weeks blog here
Follow me on twitter here