Hello and thank you for joining me another week! Today I will be talking about Google Apps and how these different types of applications from Google are taking over in the classroom s they provide teachers a great way to deliver all types of content.

Google Docs and Google Slides are two of the main applications that I have had to use throughout my education career, however there are many other applications such as Google Sheets. Google Sites is also one that has been used more throughout recent education for me.
Google Docs is a great way to Collaborate with other peers on a certain type of task as you guys can be on the document at the same time completing the task together. Ever since middle school, Google Docs has been used constantly every day to complete work as the teacher can post a Google Doc that everyone can view, and then get to work, it is a great way to encourage online collaboration on an activity! Attached is a video on how you can use Google Docs in the classroom.
Google Slides is also a visual presentation tool that is used by almost all teachers everywhere. It is a great way to visually display your lecture and content as students all over learn better by visually seeing it displayed. This is a very helpful tool for teachers as they can share this presentation with their students, so whenever the students need to access the information they have it available to them! Attached is a basic introduction video on Google Slides for teachers

Google Sites is also a great way of delivering content to your students, is there are many different ways you can develop your site so it can appeal to your students. Google Sites is also very accessible to your students and allows them to review the content at any time. Attached is a Google Site that is sued by another teacher, and you can see by the tons of links that will bring you to a lesson on a certain topic! There are tons of different content being displayed using videos and Google Slide Presentations!

Thank you for reading and Joining me for another blog, follow me on twitter to see good insight on teaching!
I will see you next week!