Hello everyone, and thank you for tuning in to my second blog and today we have a very interesting topic! Technology. Technology is taken over, or even, has already taken over the world. However, this could be for the better, or the worst.
Technology is used all over the work place everywhere, from schools to businesses. Technology is a great tool to help enhance the workplace, from teachers being able to help their students more effectively, and from your local accountant being able to do your tax return, technology helps tremendously. However, technology can also be the reason you get fired and are in the unemployment pool for awhile, or maybe even for good.
Luckily for you, I will be telling you how to NOT GET FIRED using technology. Now lets take a dive in together and figure out ways how you can go from employed at the job of your dreams, to searching for a job for months!

Nowadays, it is very easy to get fired for using technology. One of the easiest ways to get fired because of technology, is pretty simple: Using it. Using technology, such as the internet, when you are not suppose to will end up in your termination. According to CNBC, 28 percent of employers have had to fire their employees due to their employees using the internet for non-work related activity.
This one is an easy one to understand why this just can not be prohibited in the workplace. You are being paid to work, not to simply relax and do what you want. There are days where you may not want to go to work for whatever reason, however, in life you have to do things when you don’t want too.

One thing I always here from my parents is “Be careful what you post,” and I always say I know. However, they say this because they know the significance of how posting something can be a huge down fall in your life, if you are not careful enough.
Now why do I bring this up? The answer is simple. Social media is one of the easiest ways to get fired if you post something without thinking for one second.
As a teacher you have to be very careful about your tweets, and to make sure not to involve your personal life in your tweets, especially when they are not the brightest tweets. What do I mean by the “brightest?” According to this article, a teacher got fired for tweeting about how they love partying and how they tend to do drugs.
This is a great example of thinking before you post, especially when you are a teacher. A teacher has more responsibilities then people think, and one of them is being a role model for your students. You need to set the example for your students, and this is simply not going to cut it as we need to give our future generations the very best to learn from.

One more way to get fired by the use of social media, however certainly not the last, is by posting about your pay. You would also think this would be an obvious one, but complaining on a public post directed towards your CEO that you are not being paid enough, will not go well. According to the article, Talia Jane was let go after she complained about her low pay and how she was barley getting by with her salary.
When it comes to posting on public online platforms, it can not be stressed enough the importance of people careful what you post. What you may think is alright to post, simply is not. Being in this time period of social media is certainly great to do all the great things that you can experience online just through technology, however it is also a very dangerous platform to be associated with.

That concludes my weekly blog, and this was such a fun one to create as it is such an important topic, to EVERYONE!
Thank you for joining me and I look forward to seeing you guys next week!
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/Darminioe
My previous blog: https://blogs.stockton.edu/ospreytech/2020/01/31/teachers-must-teach-more-then-just-academic-curriculum/