Blog Post #5 Twitter Experiences

Twitter… the good, the bad, and the ugly

Check this link to learn what Twitter is before reading!

1. What are your thoughts?

Before this class, I have not used Twitter in about 7 years and when I used. it uses it I used it in an unprofessional way and just for fun. Now that I am getting used to using Twitter to develop my PLN and not in a casual way I am gaining so much knowledge and meeting so many people in the same situations as I myself every day. Today I had an education major from a school reach out to me through my twitter to find out some tips and tricks I used to study for the praxis because she stumbles upon my post that I have recently passed all four sections of the test. I thought that this was so cool that I was able to send advice and help out a fellow education major somewhere else in the country. I love talking with my classmates through twitter and learning more about their experiences.

2. How have those social media space conversations affected the way you think about learning?

Many of the social media space conversations affected the way I think about learning. Many of the different things that other students and current educators had to say on Twitter opened my mind to think outside the box about learning and not so one way. I learned a ton about different types of teaching and different teachers and this altered my thinking about learning.

3. Have you learned anything significant?

First, and most importantly I learned what a PLN is and how to develop a PLN. This was the most important thing I learned. This link below will tell you more about what a PLN is!

In my time using twitter I learned a lot from the different articles such as teenage years are the last great neuroplastic era in our lifetime and as a teacher, I need to take the time to understand the age group of students I have and where they are in their development.

I also learned about TAG feedback. This a type of feedback that allows students to grade each other by giving one positive and two ways to help them improve. This is a type of feedback I want to incorporate into my classroom one day.

I learned about lessons other teachers learned in their first year teaching.

I learned what not to do on social media so I do not potentially lose a job one day from using social media.

4. Reflect on your twitter chat/chats

My first twitter chat was very nerve racking but after I got the hold of the concept of a Twitter chat it was much more informational. I liked the twitter chat because I was able to collaborate with other students and teachers about topics in education. I participated in the #pbischat.

My overall experience with Twitter has been very positive. I enjoy collaborating with classmates and current educators.

Have you had any good, bad, or ugly experiences using Twitter? Comment them below!

Follow my twitter for daily updates @naoum97

Blog Post #4

Global Learning’s Impact on the Student

Global learning has positive effects on the student and the teacher in the classroom. Going global can become a good learning habit for students. By using global learning in the classroom it is something the students now expect and are eager to use. By teaching global education teachers are providing a solid foundation for the students future and the future global people of the world. It is 2019 and we live in a global world, we are surrounded by technology everyday why not incorporate it into the classroom. Students and teachers will both benefit from the use of global learning in the classroom.

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Some of the pros of global education are:

1. Using technology in the classroom allows you to experiment more in pedagogy and get instant feedback.

2. Technology in the classroom helps ensure full participation.

3. There are countless resources for enhancing education and making learning more fun and effective.

4. Technology can automate a lot of your tedious tasks.

5. With technology in the classroom, your students have instant access to fresh information that can supplement their learning experience.

6. We live in a digital world, and technology is a life skill.

Take a look at the article below to learn more about some pros and cons of technology in the classroom in 2019.

First things first! Students become overwhelmed with excitement when it comes to global learning. So why wouldn’t you want to incorporate that into your classroom lesson?  Students look forward to global learning because it is something new and exciting for them. Global learning is not your basic textbook lesson it is so much more. Students are also becoming so much more engaged in the lessons with global learning. Excitement and engagement in the classroom the result of using digital- technology synchronous communication and planned asynchronous communication. Students become overwhelmed with excitement when it is time to Skype with their partner global classroom. Skype is one way you can take an activity and make it more exciting and engaging for the students.

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Below are some more reasons to incorporate technology into your classroom.

Creates a more Engaging Environment for students ( Check)

Incorporates different learning styles (Check)

Improves Collaboration (Check)

Prepared students for the future (Check)

Connects with your students (Check)

Check out this link to learn more about these reasons to use technology in your classroom.

Using global education is a huge step in the right direction of becoming a well rounded globally engaged classroom. There are many situations you simply can not have in the classroom without the use of global learning. As an inspiring teacher, there are so many things I can not wait to incorporate in my classroom one day. Global learning and global education have become a huge part of society today in 2019 so why not incorporate into the classroom? It would only make sense.

Educational Blog Post #3

Google and all its helpful tools

Google Apps/ Docs 

Category: Workflow and Scheduling/ Collaboration and Co-Creation

Uses: Meeting organization, scheduling, sharing, collaborative learning spaces, sharing outcomes.

As a teacher or a student a Google Account will be one of the most useful tools you could possibly have. Creating a Google account is free, quick, easy, and has nothing but benefits as a learner and a educator. One of the great things about Google Apps and Doc is that as long as you are connected to the internet your work will be saved automatically so you will no longer lose your work that you worked so hard on.

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Google Apps is a group of web-based messaging and collaboration applications that Google has developed. Googles Apps is a service provided from google rather than a software that needs to be downloaded and install to the devices. Accessing these application is simple all you have to do is use a web browser on a computer that’s connected to the Internet. This allows anyone with access to the internet to use this tool. Using Google Apps in the classroom will allow the teachers and students to connect through sharing docs, spreadsheets, presentations, and creating online forms to capture and share information. Google Groups is a part of Google Apps. Google Groups is a way of simplifying emails and containing specific grouping. Google Classroom is another group app that teacher and students can both access this allow teachers to post homework, test, quizzes, grades and much more in the “classroom” so the students can access this information from anywhere. Google Forms is a quick easy way for teachers to make online test and quizzes for students to take. Google Forms will grade the test or quiz right away and give the students immediate feedback.

Google Docs one of the Google Apps that is very useful in the classroom. Google Docs is a word processor included in all Google accounts. Google Docs is a web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service. This service also includes Google Sheets and Google Slides, a spreadsheet and presentation program respectively. Google Docs makes it easy to share work and work together in groups to complete a task. By using Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides students will be able to share their work with other students and peer review/edit each others work. Students can also share their work with their teacher in order for her/him to add notes or edit the students work. Students can also share their work with a group and create group projects that all the the students can work on from anywhere when logged in to their Google account. Check the link below to see Google Docs being used in the classroom. Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets is a awesome tool for group work in the classroom. Lastly, teachers can use Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets to share work amongst each other and collaborate different ideas, provide feedback to one another,  and share differnt teaching strategies.

Google Docs is a Google App but Google Apps is much more than just Google Docs.

Google Docs being used in the classroom:


The link below will lead you to a sample lesson plan that uses Google Docs.

5th Grade:

2nd Grade: