Directions: Stockton College is a pleasant hour and fifteen minute drive from the Medford Leas Retirement Community. Directions to Stockton: click here.
- Fall Booklet of Campus Events (pdf file): Fall Events Booklet
- Stockton Performing Arts Center:
Select Events by Month
15: Classical Humanities with George Diamond
Lecture – Palace or Not: Minoan Arkhanes 12pm
17: Constitution Day: Celebrate the 220th
Anniversary 4-5:30pm Burton Caine, Guest
Lecturer from Temple University Law School in
Alton Auditorium. Join the celebration with various
events posted around the campus
17-30: Jedediah Morfit: Sculpture 2003-2006 Stockton
College Art Gallery
18: Freshman Convocation in the Performing Arts
Center 4:30pm-6pm Ishmael Beah, author of Long
Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier
Tickets available from Freshman Seminar faculty
18: SCOSA Brown Bag Speaker Series on Aging
Health & Aging 4:30-5:30pm in WQ-103 Research
Focus on Nutrition, Diabetes, Osteoporosis and
19: Jedediah Morfit will give a walking tour of his
sculpture exhibit 2pm in the Stockton Art Gallery
19: Ordinary Lives of Engagement Joe Pirozek on
Environmentalism Watch campus signs for news
about this exciting series of guest speakers
20: SCOSA Brown Bag Speaker Series on Aging
Positive Aging across the Lifespan 4:30-5:30pm
in F-116 Research Focus on the Benefits of
Forgiveness & Gratitude with Dr. Marcello Spinella
3: Wednesdays on Women: Domestic Violence
Awareness 5:30-6:15pm in J-105
4: Annual Fannie Lou Hamer Civil Rights
Symposium Featuring Vanita Gupta of the NAACP
Legal Defense Fund 2:30-4:30pm in the PAC
16-31: John Hobbie: Theatre Design from Paper to
Performance Stockton College Art Gallery
17: Panel Discussion: Theatre Design & Collaboration
and the Director/Designer Dialogue. 10am in the
Townsend Residential Life Center (TRLC)
17: Ordinary Lives of Engagement: Nicole Jacobi on
Children and Women’s Advocacy Watch campus
signs for news about this exciting series of guest
18: Girls Gotta Run: A Talk with Patricia Ortman 4:30-
6pm Watch campus signs for location information
25: SCOSA Brown Bag Speaker Series on Aging
4:30-5:30pm Healthy Living in F-111 Research
Focus on Self-efficacy and Exercise with Dr. Mary
Lou Galantino and Dr. Elaine Bukowski
1: Visiting Writers Series: Tony Hoagland–
Ravenswood Reading Poet 8pm
7: Ordinary Lives of Engagement: Joanna Sykes-
Sevedra on Arts Education Watch campus signs
for news about this exciting series
7: Wednesdays on Women: To Gardasil or Not to
Gardasil? 5:30-6:15pm in J-105
10: Classical Humanities with Demetrios J.
Constantelos Lecture at 12pm – The Bible and the
Classics in the Ninth-Century Byzantium
14: SCOSA Brown Bag Speaker Series on Aging
4:30-5:30pm Diversity and Depression across
the Lifespan in H-113. Research Focus on
Cultrual Diversity of Loss and Grief as We Age in
collaboration with UMDNJ Faculty
26-30: Studies in the Arts: Senior Project Exhibition I on
display in the Stockton Art Gallery
28: Reception to meet the student artists 5-7pm in the Gallery
3-7: Studies in the Arts: Senior Project Exhibition II on
display in the Stockton Art Gallery
5: Reception to meet the artists 5-7pm in the Gallery
5: Wednesdays on Women 5:30-6:15pm in J-105
Watch campus signs for more information about
this engaging series
8: Classical Humanities with Maria Hnaraki
Lecture at 12pm – Unraveling Aradne’s Thread:
Cretan Music and Dance