Afternoon of Service

October 10th 2016 Stockton held an afternoon of service. Commuters on the Go organized this event and allowed both commuters and residents to attend. There were three things that you could do to volunteer at this event. You could sew teddy bears for children with cancer, make heart bags for Mother’s Day at a retirement home, or make birthday cards for homeless children. This was a great event and a great opportunity to get involved and make a difference in the world.
The afternoon of service allowed students to do things to help other, but also had a reflection session as well. The people running the session said that each station represented a problem that people were facing. The problems were: homelessness for children, cancer patients dealing with the terrible disease, and the elderly not having a family to celebrate or visit on Mother’s Day. Each one of these problems were out of the person’s control and they wanted us to experience what it was like to have something go wrong as well. They made us write the person that was most important to us, an object that was most important to us, and a character trait that was most important to us on sticky notes. We then had to give those three notes to someone else and they took one and threw it away. The Commuters on the Go people then asked us how we felt about what we had lost, and had us reflect on what our lives would be like without that thing. The reflection session really opened my eyes to how truly lucky I am. I was so glad I was able to volunteer my time and hopefully make a difference in someone’s life.