Stockton Stand Up!—Justice March

I rushed to the campus center after my 4:30pm class to join the sea of students and faculty milling in a group, and handing out posters. We wore black and red in unity, for what we were about to do was important. Charged up and ready to go, I grabbed my poster, which read BLACK LIVES MATTER and #HANDSUPDON’TSHOOT, and with my first step, I pledged my solidarity to the University of Missouri.

The University of Missouri have been experiencing extreme racial tensions as blacks and African American students there feel like they aren’t safe on campus. Physical and verbal threats were hurled towards them, yet the administration remained silent. The acquiescence to racial disparity on their campus led to protests not only in Missouri, but universities nationwide.

Despite the pouring rain outside, we decided to continue with our march, protesting against the racial injustice and tensions that are present in the very fabric of American values. “NO JUSTICE! NO PEACE!” I yelled, leading the chant. “KNOW JUSTICE! KNOW PEACE!” they responded in unison. I remember seeing teachers, students, and other faculty walking alongside me, basking in the joy of doing something meaningful and with depth on our campus. While walking I conversed with Mrs. McLeod, a philosophy teacher at Stockton University, who spoke at a panel discussion earlier this month on institutionalized racism, the black lives matter movement, and white privilege. We both expressed a shared appreciation that we were using our voice to speak about the true problems on campus, instead of shallow concerns like unpredictable WIFI on campus. In that moment the color of our skin didn’t matter—we looked so different yet we were the same.

After taking pictures for the ARGO, Stockton’s newspaper, I was able to reflect on the importance of standing up for what you believe in, especially when people are trying to keep you down. This protest was my first, but I know for the rest of my life I will keep speaking out to the multitude about any injustice perverting the American Dream. My voice will not be muffled. A poster read, “Will you stand if we walk for justice?” I feel empowered to do and be anything. To rise when society tries to pull me down and be a light in the darkness so that all might see what true freedom means. To be free at last and break the chains of discrimination and institutionalized racism is a dream I will keep fighting for with each step I take. My question to you is: Will you walk with me?