Mary Roach Convocation

“The Hyena gives birth out of her clitoris,” says Mary Roach. She was as funny and snarky in person as she was in Spook. Her lewd and witty humor did not stop there, for she went on to even explain that our nose contains the same erectile tissue as our penis. I thought someone would stop her and say, “hey, too much information Mrs. Roach!” Instead, all I heard was laughter throughout the entire Performing Arts Center.

Roach’s ambiguous ending caused me distress, but her thoughts on her ending in the convocation gave me solace. Roach somberly said at the convocation, “I would like to change the ending, because it was misunderstand, and I failed to express myself properly.” This helped me regain a sphere of respect for Mary Roach, for I lost a little bit the first time I read that ending. What I enjoyed most from the convocation was Roach’s eccentric personally, and this is exemplified from the audacity she displayed while answering the audience questions.

Not only did Roach have no obligation to answering any question, but she answered these questions enthusiastically and coherently. She even told the audience we could ask her anything, and they cross a few lines on the way. For example she was asked, “What was the weirdest thing you found about sex?” Our author then gave an answer about fetal masturbation. This made everyone laugh and enjoy the convocation.

I was exuberated when I heard that the author of our seminar book was speaking at convocation, and I enjoyed it a lot.  I hope our college has more convocations to come that inspire and entertain me as that one did!