On Thursday November 12, I attended rehearsal for Stockton University’s basketball pep band. This was my first time attending, as I have just recently joined the group. The rehearsal was led by the director, Mr. Keith Hodgson. He started the meeting by announcing that our quickly-approaching debut performance will be on Wednesday December 2, at Stockton University’s basketball game against The College of New Jersey. Mr. Hodgson then informed the student members about where they will be seated throughout the event in Big Blue, the school’s gymnasium. He expressed the excitement of the coaches and the student body regarding this first basketball game and the band’s presence. The director then handed out decorative bumper stickers bearing the logo and name of the group, and announced that we will soon be receiving our uniforms, which will be blue and white rugby shirts, also bearing the same logo.

After that, the band began rehearsing the Star Spangled Banner, which they will play at the start of the game on Wednesday. Director Hodgson explained that this song is one of the most important songs that we will play, and that much time must be devoted to its perfection. After rehearsing the national anthem for a sufficient amount of time, the band then moved on to practice many of the other songs that may be played throughout the game to excite and rally the crowd and the players. Director Hodgson then closed the rehearsal by explaining that the pep band is creating quite an exciting positive buzz here on campus, and that he looks forward to our next meeting, and our debut performance.