Time Management Workshop

On Thursday September 10, 2015, at 4:30 PM the CARE program at Stockton University offered a free time management workshop. The CARE program is part of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. It was held in room C012, which is a small classroom in the C wing. The workshop was offered twice, on two different days, times and locations. The workshop lasted an hour and provided many meaningful tips.

The event started with participants arriving and being swiped in. Upon being welcomed, participants were invited to take a slice of pizza and drink. The drink choices included water, Pepsi, and other sodas. The pizza varieties offered were plain, peperoni, and veggie. There was more than enough food for the participants to enjoy. Once a student received her food, she could sit down and prepare for the workshop to begin. In the first session only three students were present. A PowerPoint slide show was printed out for each participant to take notes on and take home. This allowed participants to remind themselves of the material they learned and be able to slowly implement the techniques. The down side of the Power Point was that is was not overly interactive, making the workshop appear as more of a class with content to memorize, than a workshop to learn a new skill. Students discussed the tasks of remembering their schedule; making a list of tasks to do, prioritize that list; promise to do clear, defined things, not just vague ideas of jobs to do; plan for free time; and keep updating the list of tasks to complete. This workshop recommended using resources such as a planner, calendar, or electronic device to schedule events and lists.

The session was highly informational. I would recommend it to anyone having trouble with time management, if, he can manage his time enough to fit this into his schedule.