Freshman Blogging Project #2: Get Involved Fair

On Tuesday, September 16th and Wednesday, September 17, 2014, the halls of Stockton College were filled with eager young men and women ready to get involved in college life. Hundreds of students ranging from freshmen to seniors came out to the semi- annual “Get Involved Fair.” Student leaders of various clubs on campus set up tables lining the academic buildings to showcase their organizations with the hopes of attracting the attention of those passing by. These club members and leaders encouraged all students to visit their tables and find out exactly what their groups had to offer. The fair featured a club for almost all interests. They ranged from academics to athletics, art to humanitarianism, and volunteer to human-interest based organizations. If, by chance, a student did not see a club that he or she wanted to join, that student could easily create one.

Along with posters and decorations, club members used several creative techniques to draw interest to their groups. Circle K, a community service organization, handed out plastic zip- lock bags containing the ingredients required to make s’mores. This treat served as a reminder to attend their meetings. Other organizations, like WLFR and PRSSA, handed out items like stickers and flyers to promote their clubs. SSTV played clips of their television show on a laptop to showcase the work of the club. These marketing techniques drew in dozens of people.

The entire experience of the “Get Involved Fair” was very interesting. I had a great time meeting so many new people and expanding my horizons. Along the way, I found some very interesting clubs that I am excited to join. It certainly showed me exactly how much Stockton really has to offer and how easy it is to get involved.