A Night of Laughter

We had been talking about this night for weeks. We had all of our homework done so that we could completely enjoy the night.  My roommate and I had binge watched almost every episode of Girl and Guy code. On Friday October 10th, Nicole Byer and Kevin Barnett visited the Stockton College campus to put a show on for the students, and that was just what they did.

Nicole was first to come on and she did not waste a second before dropping her first joke. By the end of her segment, there was not one person who had not hysterically laughed at at least one of her innumerable jokes. She didn’t skip a beat during her performance. Nicole even had her outline for her jokes written on her hand. Kevin Barnett showed up just in time for his segment. He kept the laughter rolling for the next forty-five minutes.  When the show ended the crowd dispersed back to the dorms.

There is nothing quite like laughing your hardest with your closest friends. My roommate and I met up with another group of our friends in the stands. We were not prepared to laugh so hard and spent the rest of the night reliving the hour and a half long show. While forming new friendships at college every opportunity is a chance to make the bonds tighter. The people that I had not had anything in common with prior to the show I was now able to talk about the show with them. Again, the TALONS put on a great show and provided the students with a night of awesome amusement and an opportunity to become closer with our peers.