Stockton’s Day of Service

On Saturday, September 7th, a caravan of buses and vans packed full of Stockton students and their supervisors set forth towards Atlantic City. This makeshift crew of volunteers had a plethora of tasks: painting, planting, cleaning, and the like; but they all shared one goal. Helping out those in need. A call was sent out for those ready to commit their time and effort, and that call was answered with gusto. From the opening ceremony to the return home, everyone involved met their assignments with bright eyes and wide smiles.

My group’s assignment was to help paint the top floor of the Atlantic City Police Athletic League’s building. Nothing bad ever came from good ol’ manual labor. What really amazed me was not my companions’ volunteering, or even their work ethic, but the fact that they did not acknowledge what they were doing as a big deal. It was not a task or a service, but just something that people do. Such familiarity being displayed towards community service was heart warming, and raises the hope that some day it will be the norm for society.

I implore and encourage everyone to partake in all future service day events. Not only do they provide help to those who need it most, but they are an excellent opportunity to get out and make a change while meeting new and interesting people. The next event is the ‘Make a Difference Day’ on Saturday, October 26th. It will most certainly be a wonderful experience, and one that should not be missed. Just remember, it is not about recognition, it is about the people in need.