Stockton University’s Get Involved Fair

Last  week, on September 19th and 20th, Stockton hosted the Get Involved Fair to promote all the clubs they have to offer for students.  Each organization had a table at the fair with a few representatives who could tell you what their organization was, get you signed up to join and let you know when their upcoming meeting would be held.  There was a huge variety of organizations being represented such as sports, Greek life, clubs for specific majors, volunteer organizations and almost any hobby you could think of.  While walking past the countless tables I stopped to learn more about organizations that caught my eye and joined a few in the process.

The first club I joined is called Fantastic Friends who host many events where volunteers at Stockton can connect with members with special needs. I thought this club was an awesome way to get involved and for a good cause.  I also hope to work with special need students in the future as an Occupational Therapist so this could be great experience for me.  To also prepare me for my future profession I joined the Health Science Club and Occupational Therapy Club.  I think it will be great for me to be a part of these clubs so I can be a part of a community with people with the same interests and aspirations as me.  It will also provide me with a great support system if I ever need any help or have any questions on my journey to becoming an Occupational Therapist.  I also decided to become a part of the Stockton Center for Community Engagement.  They offer many different programs to get involved in but I am particularly excited about their afternoon tea/game day with older adults program and helping out at the Campus Kitchen at Atlantic City.  The programs Stockton Center for Community Engagement are a great way to get to know the community that surrounds Stockton, help me fulfil my service requirements for the Honors Program and give back to the community at the same time.  The last club I am considering joining is the Residence Hall Association because they offer many leadership opportunities and I think it would be fun to contribute to make living on Stockton’s campus a fun and better experience for everyone.  Going to the Get Involved Fair really opened my eyes to how much there is to do on the Stockton Campus.  There is really something for every type of person, and even if there s not the fair also showed me how easy it would be for me to create my own organization if I wanted to. The clubs I decided to join will help me get to know more people in the Stockton community while also preparing me for my future.  They will also give me an opportunity to make the most of my time year, give me place to take a break from all my work and classes and most of all have fun.