What Not to Do Before a Trolley Tour

I have great news – I made Student Ambassadors!
I also have not-so-great news – I lost my voice the morning of my first day on the job.
I woke up at 7 AM, ready to be the most enthusiastic new ambassador at the open house. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, put on my black polo and dress pants, and shook out the nerves. After a final check of my reflection in the mirror, I turned to mutter a goodbye to my half-asleep roommate.
No sound escaped my mouth.
I froze in disbelief and sprinted across the hall into the bathroom. I tried to speak into the mirror. “Hi, my name is Destiny! Welcome to Stockton!” But what came out of my mouth sounded like the rustling of the dead leaves I crush on my Sunday long runs. I whipped out my phone and proceeded to wake up every single current ambassador whose number I had saved. I received the same advice from almost every single one – don’t lead a trolley tour. That sounds easy enough, right?
Except that, upon arrival at the open house, I find out my job is to lead a trolley tour for the day. With no voice, I was in charge of grabbing the microphone and talking over a roaring engine about the wonderful sights to be seen around Stockton.
Thankfully, my mentor for the day took charge and led the tours for me, allowing me a minute each ride to whisper into the mic my name, my major, and a brief apology for not being able to say as much as I’d wanted. Admittedly, I was relieved that I had enough of a voice to even say that, but I have so many needless facts to spill about Stockton that it physically pained me to stay quiet for 15 minute intervals.
So, if you are ever wondering what not to do the night before a trolley tour: DO NOT listen to the first Hannah Montana album on blast and scream-sing the words. It will royally hinder your chances at spewing your eternal knowledge of Stockton facts to your captive audience.