Meeting President Kesselman

On November 14, about 15-20 classmates in the Honors freshman seminar joined President Harvey Kesselman and his wife for dinner at the N-Wing Cafeteria.  Since we were all uncomfortable at first, nobody said anything until President Kesselman broke the ice with a joke about how quiet we all are.  He introduced himself and made all of us introduce ourselves and give a general background about ourselves.  Although the instructions were quite clear, it was hilarious how many people couldn’t remember what to say for their background.  Everyone made fools of themselves and made this meeting much less formal than it started off as.  We had many discussion sessions relating to the recently concluded election.  He asked the general audience questions such as; why do you think Trump won, are you surprised with this outcome, and what are your feelings toward the outcome?  Thankfully everyone who shared their input stayed tranquil, especially because it is such a heated topic.  President Kesselman seemed to be very impressed with the knowledge and thoughts the students shared with him.  After we got off the topic of politics he shared with us information about the expansion and construction of Stockton University.  He compared modern day Stockton to the school that he was a part of its first year as a college.  It was outstanding how much this school has grown and how much change could occur in such a small time.  At the end of the dinner as we were wrapping up Kesselman asked the students for ideas and thoughts that he could help implement or aid the students with.  This experience was a great opportunity to get close to such important people and be introduced to a more formal scene.