
Despite my lack of attendance of Stockton events, I was lucky enough to participate in Lolla-No-Booza! This event was hosted by R.I.S.E. A.B.O.V.E. which stands for Ready to Inspire Students to Excel And Better Our Various Experiences. This organization plans to inform students of the misconceptions they may plague the idea of sober colleges through interactive games and activities. This event took place on the 27th of October in the Event Room in the Campus Center. This was a Halloween dance unlike another other, a silent disco. Aside from dancing zombies, witches, and the occasional t-rex, onlooking this silent disco may seem extremely awkward as people are dancing without music. However, as you continue to scan the room, you notice that everyone is wearing headphones that control the dancer’s movement. With two music stations to choose from, each person can flip through their preference of rap or edm with house and dubstep in between.

Around the campus center were tables with various activities and games to educate us on facts about drinking. Undergoing DUI simulation tests, we were challenged to say the alphabet backwards or forwards, walk a few meters in a straight line, or have the coordination to touch your nose with an extended arm. As a contrary reward for the careful evasion from the cops, we were given a ticket for the huge raffle holding a bountiful amount of prizes like Halloween props to flat screen tvs! The food variety may have been a bit lacking, but the catering from Buffalo Wild Wings alleviated the pain. Overall, the Lolla-No-Booza was a fantastic event that I will attend next year!