RA Information System

On October 18, 2016, the Office of Residential Life sponsored their first RA information meeting of the year. Nearly 100 students gathered to learn about the responsibilities and benefits of becoming a resident assistant for the next school year. The meeting was the first step towards the RA application process, as well as an opportunity to meet other student leaders. The event contained a PowerPoint presentation, personal testimonies, a meet and greet session with current RAs, and light refreshments. Following the formal presentations, students could ask residential assistants from every area of housing more personalized questions, such as ones regarding the time commitment it requires and stress management.
My friend and I attended the information session to see if we would be interested in holding an RA position during our sophomore year at Stockton. We have both formed positive relationships with our RAs and were interested to learn what they did behind the scenes. It amazed me to see the passion and dedication that all the residential staff members have for their job, and most importantly, their residents. The job of the Residential Staff is to ensure students’ safety, organize monthly programs, and assist in student-to-student mediation when necessary. Although they are students first, RAs make it their mission to make sure those around them are feeling okay and transitioning well into the new semesters. Current RAs reminisced on their favorite parts of the job, mainly praising the leadership training, the resume builder, and the second family they received through this on-campus leadership position.
For me, the session was highly informative and eye-opening. I have gained a new-found respect for all that the residential staff does behind the scenes for every student, even if it goes unnoticed. My favorite part of the night was the chance to talk one-on-one with current resident assistants. I was able get their input on the application process, the different standards they must uphold, and the rewarding perks of being a resident assistant. Talking student to student rather than resident to RA created a laid-back, informal conversation that was relatable, yet detailed. Although I am still unsure if I will become a resident assistant, I am glad that I attended this workshop and learned the background of Stockton’s residential life.