University Weekend Street Fair

The morning of Saturday October 8 had the makings of an unpleasant day—the sky was a bleak shade of gray, and the forecast of rain all day proved to be accurate, with a fair amount of rain falling from the sky. This assumption proved to be wildly inaccurate. That day was the third and biggest day of Stockton’s University Weekend, an annual event which serves as a chance for family and alumni to visit the campus and enjoy a wide variety of fun (and mostly free) activities. What made the 8th special was their large Street Fair, which featured a wide variety of vendors. This event was sponsored simply by the university, as one of the many activities for University Weekend (including a semiformal dance, the Osprey Ball, that evening). My family wasn’t able to attend, but I had the pleasure of going to the Street Fair with my visiting boyfriend. I was shocked by the large amount of vendors they had. However, it was mildly disappointing to see many empty tables that would’ve had Stockton clubs and organizations as their vendors. The inflatables, which we were both looking forward to, were also unable to be used. With the somewhat heavy rain, these were both understandable. The weather was manageable, as long as you had a jacket and umbrella, which we thankfully had. However, there were still many outside vendors. Some of these included various food trucks serving tacos, sandwiches, and potato products, as well as food tables featuring pretzels and cinnamon rolls, clothing and jewelry vendors, and even the Camden Aquarium, which had a mobile aquarium where you could see and touch starfish, stingrays, and even sharks. Inside the Campus Center and Big Blue, there were performances from Stockton’s dance team and acapella groups, respectively, which were both excellent. The university also had tables set up in dry areas, giving away free items as well as selling University Weekend t-shirts. Overall, the event was well organized and put together. All of the vendors were high quality and very friendly, as were the Stockton clubs and organizations that were in attendance. The rain did put a bit of a damper on things, and it would’ve been nice to see more of the clubs that signed up represented at the Street Fair. It is hard to make an event of this sort rain resistant, but some better planning on that end would’ve made it even better. Possibly with more tents, or moving the tables inside of the academic building. The people that were there, though, were very amiable, and it was a great environment to be in. Though the weather was less than ideal, I had a great time shopping, eating, and petting sharks (which I never thought I’d do in front of I Wing). The organization of the event and the people still made the day enjoyable, despite the dreary weather, and I can’t wait to see what they do next year.