Housing Renewal Session

Although the first semester hadn’t even ended, people were excitedly discussing the housing arrangements for next year! In order to be eligible, I had to attend a housing renewal session. During this session, I learned about how I can do every step to increase my chances of preferred housing next year at Stockton.

The main benefit I received from attending this session were the great tips I learned about the process. Planning early is a must! I didn’t understand why everyone was trying to get their groups together early, but the most credits that your group has total, the better your time slot is to sign up for your housing. I also know that my group leader has to be timely and organized because s/he has to complete each step of the progress on time or else the entire group will be punished with unpreferable housing. The session also warned us to make sure our group leader would listen to our preferences and accurately represent what the whole group agrees on.

In addition to the tips I learned, I also realized something during the session: to stay relaxed. It’s really a very simple process and if you follow the steps, you’re most likely going to get the housing that is most optimal for you!