Get Involved Fair

While I loved attending the “Get Involved” fair in the fall, I was really looking forward to the Spring fair to see if I had missed any organizations that I could be a part of. A lot of the clubs I noticed this time were culturally-oriented, which didn’t really open up any new clubs to me; however, I did see the tables for the organizations that I worked with in the Fall semester which encouraged me to reach out and continue my efforts on the Argo staff and Stockton’s student-run organic farm.

Regardless of how many classes you’re taking or how many challenges you plan to overcome this semester, there’s no harm in signing up for the email lists for Stockton’s clubs during the “Get Involved” fair because the influx of updates on your Stockton email help you stay connected to the club’s activities that are usually open to the whole community. Meaning even if you didn’t become an active member like you anticipated, you can still know about upcoming events that are about your topic of interest and that are still available to you!