University Weekend

On the weekend of October 9th-11th, Stockton University had its annual University Weekend, formally known as Family Weekend. These 3 days were packed and filled with many fun activities and events for both students and families. Friday was the beginning of this great weekend with Stockton Spirit Day. On this day, students were encouraged to wear Stockton gear and in return receive treats such as cookies. Students with gear from other schools were also encouraged to trade them in for Stockton T-Shirts.  On Friday there was also other events such as stroll, strum and yum, twist it like a pretzel: a family yoga workshop, the float decorating party, and a few other events. However, the most memorable event of that day was undoubtedly the comedy show hosted by SET. This comedy show was with MTV Girl Code’s Carly Aquilino. This event was in Big Blue and was packed with people. Carly grabbed everyone’s attention with her choice of jokes and made the whole building laugh.

Although some family and friends came on Friday, Saturday was the day that most family and friends came. Waking up Saturday morning and looking around was very similar to move-in day with all the parents, siblings and families around campus. Saturday was also a day full of events. There was an alumnae breakfast hosted by Zeta Tau Alpha, a breakfast for parents hosted by the Parents & Family association, the University Weekend Parade, the carnival, the men’s lacrosse alumni game, the honors 10-year celebration and a few other events as well. The event that most freshmen were looking forward to, however, was the 20th annual Osprey Ball hosted Saturday night. This semi formal event was food filled, dance filled and many students had a great night with their friends.

Sunday was a more relaxing day as families got ready to go. There were few events such as the lake Fred nature tour, a professional Achievement Award Ceremony, a softball alumnae game, and to end the night there was a campus center movie night with Max being the movie for the night. Those that had family come down took this day to spend quality time with them and show them around before they headed off. This was a very relaxing day with the osprey ball the night before so other students took this day to sleep off the busy weekend. All in all, University Weekend was a weekend well spent. It was great to show off Stockton Spirit and participate in different events with my fellow Ospreys and their families. I’m thrilled to see what next year’s University Weekend holds.