Let’s Go to The Movies

As you walk into the cool dark room, the first thing you notice is the overwhelming smell of freshly popped popcorn. Next, is what you see. Rows of chairs fill half of the room, leaving a large space to lay out blankets and pillows for a picnic. You follow the line to the make-shift concession stand. You receive a bag of popcorn, a soda, and candy. Then you find your seat. Whether in one of the chairs, or on the floor with a group of friends, you settle in for the next 2 hours. Then it starts, the opening credits, followed by the feature of the night. For this particular night, Ant Man was playing. Most people were a little skeptical about a superhero the size of an ant. However, the audience was pleasantly surprised.

As the group watches this Marvel masterpiece, they are immersed into the world of Scott Lang. You rejoice when he defeats the villain, proving everyone who doubted him wrong. The action sequences were filled with thrills and humor. The awkward, yet cute, budding romance between the main leads, Scott Lang and Hope Pym, was something everyone could enjoy. The villain even had some great lines and was enjoyable to watch. However, he was no Loki. The character development of the main lead, from a criminal to a hero, was something that I feel everyone could relate to. To show that you don’t have to be born a hero, to be one.

When the movie was over, and the credits roll, you slowly get up, bringing all leftovers of your movie meal to the trash. Then you gather your things, and head back to the dorms. You think back to the movie, and how it made you feel. How good it felt to get a break from the stresses of school, and how nice it was to escape into a new world. How it feels to know that even though you are just a little college freshman, you can become great, just like Scott Lang. That even the ordinary can become extraordinary. As you depart your friends, you make promises to do this again next week.