The Study Abroad 101 Workshop

Even though I am a first semester freshman, one of the programs that really interests at Stockton University is studying abroad. As a commuter who lives at home, studying abroad really appeals to me because it would give me an opportunity to experience the world outside my comfort zone, and take a step forward toward independence. One of the steps to study abroad is to attend a Study Abroad 101 workshop. There is a meeting every month, held by Natalja Manger, the Study Abroad and International Advisor. On October 13th, I attended the Study Abroad Workshop in room F111 where I learned what it takes to actually study around the world.

One of the first things I learned at the workshop was that only 1% of college students around the country actually study abroad. This fact really astonished me because I know many schools offer students the chance to study abroad, and I am surprised more students do not take advantage of it. Also, I am now more motivated to be part of the 1% so I can set myself apart from other students. Natalja Manger showed us the step-by-step process of looking for different programs, how to apply, and the different deadlines. Finally, we learned very important information about how to fund our ventures to study abroad. We learned that financial aid, scholarships, and grants can be applied to our cost of studying abroad. Since the cost can be lowered, the prospect of studying abroad seems possible despite a student’s financial concerns. Applying to study abroad is a very elaborate process, but with the help of the Stockton Portal, our preceptors, and Natalja Manger, studying abroad seems feasible and less daunting.

In conclusion, I am very glad I attended a Study Abroad Workshop early into my time at Stockton. Studying abroad seems like an amazing opportunity and attending the meeting helped me get one step closer to changing my dream into reality.