University Weekend

Kalyn Newbold

Professor Lisa Rosner

GEN 1033-003

18 October 2015

University Weekend at Stockton

            It may be safe to say that University Weekend is one of the liveliest times here at Stockton University. For four days, you can see family members buzzing about to and fro with the students, seeing everything that has changed since their last visit, which may have been anywhere from a few days to a few years ago. This week is especially big for freshman because all of the events going on here (unless they came previously with older siblings) will be brand new to them. After so much time spent working hard in class, this provided a much-needed break. On the other hand, if you are like myself in this sense, you may use the time between (or even during) events to review completed work or develop a study plan for the future while the buildings are quiet for the most part.

One of the events that stood out for me was the skit by “Girl Code’s” Carly Aquilino, which took place on Friday October 9th at the Sports Center (aka “Big Blue”). She joked about many subjects (dating/drinking/embarrassing moments) that students may avoid even mentioning to friends because of the level of taboo associated with these things. She, however, seemed at least somewhat comfortable sharing her experiences with us and letting us get a good rise out of it. I do not believe that we laughed out of a “sucks to be you” sentiment, but because these subjects were relatable to us. We’ve all been oblivious to potentially embarrassing moments; we all have friends that unnerve us sometimes; we have all most likely had bad experiences on dates. Out of everything that Carly talked about, though, I must admit that it was a fart joke that got one of the biggest rises out of the audience, proving that even a mature comedian can inspire some immature humor. I truly wish I could see her return to Stockton in the near future.

The next day, Saturday October 10th, marked the official day for families to visit and have breakfast with the students and get tours of the campus and dorms. On my way back to my dorm from breakfast, I saw a bunch of golf carts crossing ahead of me, which could only mean that the annual parade was in session and I was running late. Thankfully, I managed to sprint ahead and catch a glimpse of each of the carts as they cruised by. Many of the school’s clubs, sports teams and organizations had decorated golf carts and banners to celebrate the official kickoff of University Weekend. It was such a joy to see so many smiling faces and to hear the participants singing and cheering on their way through.

That night marked what one may call the “homecoming dance” and what we here at Stockton call the “Osprey Ball”. The turnout seemed good as far as I could tell. The DJ remixed songs in such a way that that the music seemed everlasting; the dance floor was constantly filled with lively students dancing to some extent, from a simple sway to the beat to a full-on break dance. And in case you were wondering, yes, there were line dances every now and again to break the blocks of selective genres. I found this to be highly amusing: the longest running song of the night was a mashup LMFAO’s hardcore party song “Shots” and Aretha Franklin’s classic “Respect”. In addition to dancing, there was abundant food and a photo booth with plenty of fun props.

That’s all I have to report for this year, but I assure you that there was plenty else to see and do; I just couldn’t do everything. The next time that University Weekend rolls around, I’m certainly going to immerse myself more deeply in the events. I look forward to seeing everyone out there as well. I highly recommend that you also make your way out there when you can.