
The Stockton Entertainment Team (SET) and the Greeks organized a hypnotist even on September 30th. The event was two hours long and ran over a little bit. However, I am not complaining because the event was very entertaining. I was not hypnotized, but two of my friends were. Not only was it a fun event, but the hypnotist was teaching us all about the effect of alcohol. He chose about twenty individuals who volunteered to get hypnotized. Some were not hypnotized, so he told them to sit back down in the audience. It was a good choice of entertainment by SET and the Greeks. I hope they decide to do it again later in the semester or next semester.

Towards the end of the night, the hypnotist gave all participants a bottle of water. He made them believe they were at a party and the water was actually alcohol. He gave the statistic that about 1 out of 3 do not drink and if any of the individuals participating did not drink they did not have to. However, all participants drank the water and acted as if they were at an actual party. Many of the participants were funny to watch, chugging the water or dancing around having a “good time.” After the hypnotist stopped the music, I realized an individual was passed out on the ground. A few of the participants, still in a trance, helped pick up the passed out guy. The hypnotist then asked if anyone in the audience noticed the two girls in the front and how they were acting. He said that he had “roofied” their drink; they did not even realize. The hypnotist made it obvious how easy it is to get a drink roofied at a party. So much chaos was happening, I did not even notice the two girls acting different. Even though the individuals were simply hypnotized, it was a realization to always protect my drink if I ever decide to party in the future.

The event was fun and I am happy I decided to go and watch my friends get hypnotized. I am happy that it was not just hypnosis, but also a lesson. It was an entertaining way to teach individuals about alcohol safety. I hope SET and the Greeks decide to do it again; I really enjoyed myself.