Day of Service

This semester the Day of Service was held on Saturday September 12th. It was an all day event starting at 8:30am and lasting till 4:00pm. It is an annual event that occurs once each semester. It is a wonderful event that provides an opportunity for students, faculty, staff and community members to engage in service projects on campus. There were four different colored nametags that determined which grouping you would be placed in. The colors included red, purple, green, and blue.

The day started off with a complimentary breakfast and a variety of speakers. It was intriguing to listen to so many different people talk so passionately about giving back. They explained that the three hundred volunteers would partake in many rewarding projects throughout the day. Each person would rotate through four service projects and all of them would be the same except for the health and wellness project.

The homelessness project incorporated three activities. Some volunteers were making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to be given out at a local shelter for the hungry. Others were making empty birthday cards so homeless families could fill them out and exchange warm thoughts on each other’s birthdays. Finally, bags were being sewed so that the people at the shelter would be able to transport their belongings efficiently. This service project was run by Circle K and it was extremely rewarding.

The civic engagement project incorporated five activities. The first part was filling out an online survey to measure volunteers understanding of civic engagement. The second part was a discussion about the existence of capital punishment. The third part was registering to vote if you wanted to and were not already registered. The fourth part was learning about The Petey Greene Program. This volunteer based program looks for tutors in all subjects willing to visit prisons to help convicts educationally. The final part dealt with writing letters to people in power like Governor Christie to express your ideas or opinions about governmental issues.

The environmental project incorporated three activities. A man spoke about the importance of waste conservation and his life journey after graduating from Stockton and finding his passion. After this a Stockton club known as Water  Watch talked to volunteers about plastic and its harmful effects on humans and the environment. Finally, a student who works on Stockton’s farm spoke about its benefits to the community and the ability to volunteer at the facility if you were interested.

The last project was the health and wellness project and each activity differed. I was part of the Suicide Prevention station and it was extraordinary. The activities were run by Stockton’s Active Minds and I later joined the club. I helped make signs for the Suicide Prevention Walk and decorated pledges for walkers to sign. It was eye opening to read statistics about how many people take their own lives because they feel their problems are permanent. The club’s members were in charge of the activity and spoke to us about suicide and we had a mini reflection session that was really emotional. This was my favorite part of the Day of Service and I can not wait till next year to volunteer again.

The day ended with a reflection survey and discussion in the event room. Volunteers then received free shirts and were able to leave. Overall the Day of Service was a great learning experience and an important opportunity for volunteers to meet new people, become familiar with service learning opportunities, expand their understanding of civic engagement, and make a difference in other people’s lives through service.