Spike Out Cancer

Blog Post 1

     Recently I attended the Spike Out Cancer event hosted by a few sororities and fraternities on the freshman side of campus. This event was a fundraiser for cancer research, and ultimately was a huge success financially. The rules were simple gym volleyball rules, games to 11 points, three hits per volley and good sportsmanship. The event, in total, raised over $700 for research by selling concessions and bracket positions.

     Another reason I attended this event was to meet the brothers of the several fraternities.  I was able to meet mostly every active brother and get to know them. Many of the brothers also participated in the tournament. The winning team of the tournament was actually AXP, in an effort over APD in the last game. The tournament was fun and relaxing for many people who came to watch, and the event was catered.

     Since this event was at the freshman side of campus many new students were able to socialize and become friendly along with this event. More than 12 teams of 10 players each joined the tournament and competed. Unfortunately, I failed to find an entire team of players to compete in the tournament, however I still made an appearance in the tournament, joining a team that was short 2 players. In conclusion the Spike Out Cancer event was a successful time for Stockton and helped raise a lot of money for research while keeping competition friendly.