Meet the Greeks

On Thursday, September 10, I attended the “Meet the Greeks” event hosted by the Greek Council. This event was a one time event and was located in the Campus Center Event Room from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Inside of the room, each organization had their own table set up. There was music playing; it was a fun and inviting atmosphere.

Entering the event, I was uncertain about my opinion on fraternities. I decided to go to the event just to open my mind to different things. Although I had no interest in joining a frat, I figured it could gain something just by attending. I walked in and approached the first Fraternity that caught my eye. I spoke with representatives from the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. They gave me many impressive statistics about their organization and showed me a myriad of awards that they received, many of which were from volunteering and service to the community. I even spoke with the President of the fraternity, who gave me his business card with his contact information.

Overall, the event was very informative and well organized. Not only was I able to speak with members of each fraternity, I was able to speak with the leaders of each fraternity. I left the event with a much different feeling than I had when I entered. My opinion on fraternities had completely changed. I had a newfound respect for the service and academic achievement that some of them were capable of. The event had me wondering if I should join one of the many fine fraternities that Stockton has. I applaud the Greek Council for putting together such a great event and making it so easy for me to acquire helpful information about Greek Life at Stockton University.