Campus Center Gets Its Game On!

Almost every student who attends Stockton can admit that they spend a lot of their time in the Campus Center regardless of whether they live on campus or not. Some like to go to the Dunkin Donuts located inside before class to grab breakfast, while others simply like to bring their laptops and use it as a place to work. When I usually go to the campus center, I find myself spending most of my time playing pool or ping pong in the game room with my friends. Since many students also enjoy spending time in the game room, the Stockton Entertainment Team decided to host the SET Game Room Tournament on the night of November 11 to help students get to know each other better and to have fun.

The Game Room Tournament actually consisted of three small tournaments that allowed its participants to compete to see who was the best ping pong, pool, or shuffle board player. While participants were waiting to be called to compete in their game, SET also provided everyone with free refreshments and music in the background. Each participant was allowed to sign up for as many tournaments as they wanted. In fact, they could have competed in all three if they really wanted too. Since I knew that I was not very good at ping pong or shuffle board, I decided to only compete in the pool tournament since that was a game I was very comfortable with. Unfortunately for me, I had to play against a tough opponent in the first round and lost by not hitting the eight ball hard enough and giving her an easy shot for the win.

Even though I was only able to play one game of pool, I still had a very good time watching my friends play and enjoying the atmosphere. From what I could tell, it seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves too. It was cool to see how good some of my peers around me are at some of the games, and more importantly everyone was a good sport. Whenever someone was struggling, their opponent or a more experienced player watching would offer advice to help them learn and improve. I felt that SET did a very good job organizing and setting up the event because there was almost no confusion despite the large group of people participating and they had enough refreshments and activities to keep us busy even if we were not currently playing. The Game Room Tournament was a big success in my opinion and I hope that they have another tournament again next semester!