
On Friday, November 14, 2014 at 7:30 p.m., I went to Crumble (Lay Me Down Justin Timberlake), presented by the School of Arts and Humanities Theatre Program. The play took place in the Experimental Theatre. The play had five characters total: the Mother, Janice (the pre-teenage daughter), Barbara (the sister of the mother), the Father/Justin Timberlake/Harrison Ford, and the Apartment.

The stage was set up to be three different rooms. The room to the left was Barbara’s living room. Barbara was characterized as a “cat lady” so her living room wall was decorated with pictures of all her cats. There were also cans of tuna fish scattered around, which she was found constantly eating. The center room was the living room and dining room of the apartment. The apartment was very dirty and run down. There was a window missing that was covered by a piece of wood and the wallpaper was falling off. The last room, all the way to the right, was Janice’s bedroom. There were toys and dolls all over the floor and multiple pictures and posters of Justin Timberlake covering the wall.

The central plot of the play focuses on how the mother and Janice are doing ever since losing their husband/father. Janice is going through a dark, twisted time, until she is visited by her celebrity crush, Justin Timberlake. He helps her devise a plan to bring her family back together, by making a “wish doll.” Janice asks her mother for weird supplies for Christmas in order to make it. Her mother, desperate to be able to have a relationship with her daughter again, reluctantly agrees. On Christmas morning, the doll goes horribly wrong and results with Janice losing her hand. This causes the mother, who is prone to having panic attacks throughout the whole play, to be strong for Janice and ultimately brings them back together.

I thoroughly enjoyed the play. I thought the acting was incredible and the plot was extremely interesting. It had my attention from the opening scene and I was hooked. I was so tempted to see it the next two nights and recommended it to everyone. I look forward to going to see more productions that the School of Arts and Humanities Theatre Program puts on.