Stockton vs William Patterson Recap

As the Stockton Field Hockey team takes their first steps onto the field for warm up, fans cheer from the bleachers because they too know all that is at stake in the first conference game of the season. Matched up against William Patterson as their debut NJAC game, nervousness and determination was apparent among the girls. This time last year and in many past years the Ospreys had fallen to the Pioneers, but this year was going to be different.
As the girls took their places on the field, I could feel the desire to win from the sideline. This was going to be our game. With just six minuets on the clock, Riley Ruff scored off of a beautiful corner play, putting Stockton in the lead. The girls were able to gallantly hold onto this lead until a corner was called with fifteen minuets left in the first half, and with Stockton man down, the girls did everything they could to prevent a goal, but outmatched William Patterson scored their first goal tying the game. For the remaining time in the first half Stockton held possession, making many attempts to score, the half was called.
Returning to play, Stockton was able to keep offensive motion, giving up only three shots on goal until once again a defensive corner was called. With ten minuets remaining in the game William Patterson sent in a roaring hit from the top landing in the back of the cage. Stockton was now down by one goal. After Coach Michelle Anders called a time out, the girls returned to the field not with looks of defeat but of determination inspired by their coaches confidence in their abilities. You could tell they were ready to score. Leah Davis traveled down the sideline with phenomenal speed as captain Colleen Knight rushed to meet her by the cage. Once reaching the circle Davis passed to Knight supplying her with the opportunity to score. With only four minuets left, Knight nailed the ball sending it past the opposing goalie pushing Stockton into overtime.
After a long back and forth battle of one fifteen minuet overtime it was obvious both teams were exhausted but the score was still 2-2. The next fifteen minuets would result in one teams success and the other’s failure. For the final time that day both teams took their starting positions, both exhausted, both determined but, Stockton seemed to have one thing William Patterson did which was heart. The opponent was acting out of frustration and fell apart as a team allowing Stockton to come together as one. They remained positive and encouraged one another that winning was possible if dug deep enough. Two minuets ticked away and the teamwork was apparent throughout the Stockton line up. Knight headed for the goal as teammate Ruff called for the ball, working together Knight was able to set up the perfect opportunity, and Ruff had the skill and will to fulfill it. A loud bang was all that could be heard followed by the immediate cheering, Ruff had scored the game winning goal.
The whole team stormed the field together as one creating a sea of blue and black, filled with the sense of not only accomplishment but what it felt like to be a team. Coming out of that win was not only a large confidence boost but proof showing that Stockton had what it takes to be winners. The Stockton Ospreys were currently 1-0 in their conference and more then ready for what was to come next.