
Stocktonopoly happened the first weekend of October. On Friday the 4th there was a parade and pep rally to show appreciation for clubs and sports. I am a member of our Track and Field team and our coach wanted all future and former members to meet up and join the parade for some team bonding and to show everyone how wonderful our team was. We met outside of Big Blue or The Sports Center, all wearing a track shirt with other teams that were meeting. We were all led to the gym where every club was preparing or gathering around their float and there were a lot of floats. The whole gym was colorful and full of people. It made me realize that Stockton really does have a lot of clubs and organizations, and they clearly put a lot of effort into their monopoly themed floats.

I stayed with the track team the whole time. In the gym we were all talking and laughing with each other and waited for the parade to start. We took a nice team picture and then were on our way. As we were walking out, my friend and fellow pole vaulter asked me if I could pull up “The Fox” by Ylvis to show his friend. Since I thought the song was hilarious, I gladly pulled up the song and we all had a good laugh about it. Who doesn’t love that song right now?

We walked from the back of Big Blue to the Campus Center for more pictures and some spectators. It was nice seeing support from people around the campus for this event. We paraded along in between other floats and banners. Everyone seemed in high spirits and happy to be there, which was wonderful. The day was hot but that didn’t seem to bother anyone. We paraded towards the freshman dorms where people were starting to come outside and waving from their windows. We walked from Housing 3 to Housing 2 where the parade dispersed and gathered for the pep rally.

The pep rally was on the side of the TRLC and there was a little stage. My friend and I sat down on the ground to watch the events of the pep rally. There were performances by different clubs which were pretty impressive. Cheerleaders, dancers, and singers were all pepped up and bravely performing in front of all the students that were gathered. Each group earned cheers from all the students. There were speakers from different people around the campus, and each sport team got individual recognition. They all were together with their team and cheered when their accomplishments were announced. Homecoming King and Queen were announced and each gave a short speech. When the pep rally ended, almost everyone lined up to get a free t-shirt. Everyone loves free t-shirts.

The pep rally and parade definitely raised spirits that day. I know I walked away in a great mood from seeing how close, talented, and determined these clubs and organizations were.