Humans Versus Zombies

Beginning at midnight on Monday October 14th and continuing through Friday the 18th the Stockton Gaming Club hosted a week long game of tag with a twist. Humans versus Zombies is a campus-wide game open to all students. Zombies are distinguished by wearing a green band around their head, whereas humans have a band around their arms. Approximately 200 students registered online to play and out of those students one was chosen as the “original zombie.”  The original zombie wears his band around his arm like a human until he is discovered and then moves his band to his head like the other zombies. Once a human is tagged by a zombie, he too becomes a zombie. Humans carry nerf guns and balled up socks to protect themselves from the hordes of zombies. Once a zombie is hit he is considered frozen for ten minutes and cannot tag any humans. Every night there are missions for the humans which include a variety of tasks for them to complete. Prior to the mission on Monday night 17 people had been turned into zombies. Although 17 is a small number in comparison to 158 humans, panic had already set in on campus. The zombies move in packs in order to increase their chances of getting a tag. Humans also quickly develop allies in an effort to survive. The first mission which led the humans down Dark Path resulted in a terrifying chase around the lake. The campus filled with paranoia as the human numbers began to dwindle. Tuesday’s mission started the humans in F court and led them to the Unified Science Center. Zombies anxiously awaited their arrival and hid along Dark and Light Path. Wednesday’s mission sent humans to Housing 2, Housing 4, and Lake Pam with an optional trek to the observatory in search of puzzle pieces. The zombies divided themselves and went in groups to the four locations. My group was sent behind Housing 2 where we waited in the woods, for 45 minutes, for humans to arrive. After Wednesday’s mission the numbers changed in favor of the zombies. There are also vaccines hidden all of over campus that allow humans to recover after a zombie tags them. On Wednesday, a new element was incorporated into the game. Anyone wearing an orange band is considered military. The military is allowed to tag humans and to stun zombies. By Thursday afternoon the human numbers have dwindled to 57 with 158 zombies. Thursday’s mission has yet to be disclosed with multiple rumors going around, but one thing is for certain; it will be a blood bath. With the end of the week quickly approaching the only real question left is, will humanity survive or will the zombies overrun the campus?