Neighborhood Watch BBQ

On Monday, October 14th, Stockton’s Neighborhood Watch club held a BBQ in the freshman quad.  The sun was out, but the air was crisp easily reminding students that this might be the last BBQ of the fall semester.  Lots of people lined up to take a grab at the food that was creating the wonderful smell of fresh food and charcoal.  However, when waiting for the food to be made, students got to watch a more exciting event.

Sunday marked the start of the Humans vs. Zombies game that lasts a full week, which people waiting on line for food got to watch.  Students are given green bands to either wear on their head or arm, deeming them either zombies or humans, respectively.  The goal of the game is to not be turned into a zombie, which happens if students get tagged.  Human students get to carry around Nerf weapons; including guns and bows, which shoot foam bullets to protect themselves from the “dead”.  As students waited, they got to see groups of humans avoid the zombies, and some zombies trying to get the humans.   The zombies wait at the bottom of the stairs of the dorms for students to come out, which is a little unfair, but it was still great to watch all of the action.  Tonight is their first mission, so I’m hoping that I’ll get to see some more interesting “battles” between the two groups.

When I finally was able to grab my burger, I was pretty excited to have something fresh to eat.  The burger was good; and it was nice to have grilled food.  While N-Wing is good a majority of the time, nothing can beat having charcoal cooked food.  However, I’m not sure how successful the BBQ was.  If the goal of the BBQ was to get people to join Neighborhood Watch, it wasn’t very convincing.  There was a small table with some information on the program, but no one was jumping to talk to students about what the club is about.  I know a lot of people didn’t stick around; they mostly just grabbed food and wandered to their dorms.  I think that there should have been something trying to convince us to get involved or some games to play.

Overall, it was really nice to take a break from doing work to hang out with some friends.  I definitely liked being able to watch the Human vs. Zombie game, which was a major plus for going to the BBQ.  In the end I had a lot of fun, which is the most important part!