One Night Stand-Up

On Friday, October 4, Stockton Entertainment Team (S.E.T.) sponsored an event called One Night Stand-Up, a comedy show featuring Thomas Dale. My friends and I heard about the comedy show, which started promptly at 8:00, about 15 minutes prior to the event; needless to say, we quickly ran to the Performing Arts Center Box Office to purchase our tickets. We then settled into our balcony seats and waited for the show to begin.

Within the first five minutes of his act, Dale confessed his love for “straight boys.” He singled out a member of the audience named Nick and repeatedly made references such as, “Don’t put it on display if it’s not for sale,” to him throughout the course of the night. Dale’s material ranged from being a gay teenager and dating girls to fighting off mountain lions on hikes in Los Angeles. He certainly did not censor his material, which was somewhat awkward considering the event was part of homecoming and family weekend. Many college students were sitting with their parents, and I could sense their uneasiness when I occasionally scanned the room. Regardless, there was never a shortage of laughter in the room. By making fun of both male and female characteristics, he was relatable to everyone—even parents.

Dale’s underlying message was subtle but clear: embrace equality. He told an anecdote about pretending to want to marry a bug for his nephew’s amusement. His nephew said something along the lines of: You can’t marry that bug! He’s a boy. Dale replied, “You can marry whoever you want. Boys can marry boys. Boys can marry girls. Girls can marry girls. The real problem is that he’s a bug.” Dale’s tone and mannerisms were truly endearing, and I could not help but feel like we had a real connection by the end of the show.

After his performance, Thomas Dale stood by the entrance of the PAC and posed for pictures. My friends and I took a picture with him, followed him on twitter, and friended him on Facebook. Now, he is not just a comedian but a friend. So while the ticket may have cost two dollars, the experience was priceless.