Stockton’s Whose Line!

Although I have attended a few Stockton events so far, the Theatre Club’s Whose Line, on September 23rd, was one that stuck out to me. The first Whose Line that I saw was during the Honors Experience, where I met one of my now, best friends, who is also in the Honors program. I unfortunately missed the second Whose Line during welcome week, but got to usher and attend this past week’s, for which I am incredibly thankful.

Involving myself with the Theatre Club was a choice that I can already tell I am not likely to regret. Standing outside of the Campus Center Theatre provided me with the chance to see people supporting the group of actors who were about to go on stage, and ultimately the most important people that would be at the show, the audience. With out an audience a show and actors are nothing. Then being an audience member I was able to appreciate not only how funny the actors are, but how much bravery they have. Being able to go up on stage in front of a crowd with no plan or idea of what will happen is a scary thing.

After being in my high school’s drama club I understand the rush of getting on stage, but before this Whose Line, I never understood the heart pounding rush of getting on stage with no plan. I joined the actors on stage during this Whose Line during the rhyming game. As I stood in line waiting to taking my turn, performing a rhyming scene, I could feel the old feeling of adrenaline in my veins and a new feeling of nervousness as I tried to think of a word that was hard to rhyme. Suddenly I was in the front of the line rhyming words here and there, enjoying myself in a way that I forgot I could. I thought that with the end of high school, it would be the end of my time on a stage, but Whose Line reminded me of why it was a part of my life I never wanted to lose, the joy of being on a stage.