Get Involved!

The start of the spring semester brought a lot of opportunities – new classes and friends, but also a new schedule waiting to be filled up with more activities! Because I don’t live on campus, it is more difficult for me as a commuter to be involved in a lot of activities. However, Stockton is has ways to accomadate students like myself and many others, one way to hear about new clubs and events is the Get Involved Fair.

I wasn’t able to to attend the Get Involved Fair for the fall semester, so i wasn’t sure what to expect. I wasn’t sure whether or not I was going to find something interesting to join. I was surprised at how many booths there were, and even more surprised by how many clubs and activities are offered at Stockton. I was able to get more information on clubs like books without borders, MSA, Model UN, cooking club and more. It was really helpful to have so many clubs all laid out in one place!