Neighborhood Watch BBQ

One of the most exciting things about college in the spring is the amount of people that you see in the quad by the freshman dorms. People are playing volleyball, playing catch, longboarding, sunbathing, doing homework, and the list goes on and on. Also, being a college student, we tend to gravitate toward locations and events that serve free food.

On one of the most gorgeous days of the semester so far, the Neighborhood Watch here at Stockton decided to hold a barbeque in the freshman quad. It was advertised everywhere and there was endless amounts of free food. There were hamburgers, cheeseburgers, veggie burgers, turkey burgers, hot dogs, pasta salad, chips, pretzels, lemonade, iced tea, and water. It was delicious!

I think what I liked most about this event, aside from the free food, was the fact that students that were not solely freshman were there. There were upper classmen over by the freshman dorms, something that you don’t usually see. It was like a decent amount of the school was coming together to enjoy the gorgeous weather, free food, and the nearing of the end of the semester. It was awesome!  This event in particular reminded me of what I pictured college would look like!  Hopefully there will be more events just like this before the semester ends!