Brand New “Health Science Club”

I have always been involved in countless things. Being that I am striving to be a physical therapist one day, I decided I’d join the Health Science Club. When I went to the first meeting, I found out that this club is a brand new club, and that this is the first semester that they are even holding meetings. I am involved in a couple of clubs on campus, but none of them have been in the middle of their founding semester.


Being that this is a new club, there are a bunch of things that need to be done before you can officially call it a “club”. First, a budget needs to be created. There needs to be a budget created so that if you were to hold special events or bring in certain speakers, you would be able to have the funds from Stockton to be able to do so. Also, a structure needs to be set up within the club that will make sure that all of the jobs are being done within the club. From there, we need to work together to get our name out there amongst the student body. This semester, we need to do little fundraisers or hold relatively cheap events (because we do not yet have a budget) so that we can inform the general public that this is a club worth joining.


There are a great number of students at Stockton that are going to be working within the health field one day. This club is a great way to get those students involved.  I can foresee this club being very large one day, but for right now there is only about 15 people actively participating. We have to start somewhere, right?