Family Weekend

Family weekend, a weekend where some students dread, while others cannot wait for it to come. I was in the middle of these two groups because I was not sure what to expect. I did not want my parents to embarrass me in front of all my new friends but I still wanted them to see the campus. When my parents and family arrived, along with everyone else’s parents, hugs and kisses were being given out all around. We then headed over to the carnival, which took place on October 6th and was located in parking lot 5, which Stockton had truly out done themselves on. My family and I signed in so that they were able to get their free meal voucher and receive tickets.
Once we were all signed in my family and I walked around to get a feel for what there was to do. We first decided to play some carnival games. It was one ticket per play and my sister was really good at the ring-toss. She had beaten me three times and I was only able to win once. We then headed over to the Greek-Life Tent where there was a bunch of tables. Some of the things that were on the tables were information on Studying Abroad, Fundraising for Relay for Life, hair extensions for Brest Cancer Awareness Month, and other fundraisers held by the Greek members. The table that we went to first was the table that was fundraising for Relay for Life because you were able to pie someone in the face for a dollar, and my sister really wanted to do this. My sister, being the softball player she is, was able to hit the guy in the face with the pie on her first try.
When my family and I were finished in the Greek Life tent, we walked over to the food tent. For lunch they had hotdogs and hamburgers along with chicken and a bunch of different sides. Lunch was good and it felt nice to be able to sit down for a meal with my family again. When we were finished, we then headed to the blowup bounce houses because we decided to save the best for last. The first one that my sister and I went on was an obstacle course that was a race. I ended up finally beating her at something, but only by a couple of seconds. After the obstacle course we went around and tried out all the other bounce houses but nothing had topped the obstacle course one.
All in all, the Stockton Family Carnival was a success and Stockton’s PTA had done a really good job on organizing the event. It was a nice event where Stockton students were able to spend time with their families. You could tell that everyone had a good time based on the fact that not one person did not have a smile on their face. This event was a success and I look forward to attending it again next year.