Speed dating-Majors

Speed Dating for Majors

In recent months, I have been experiencing conflicting feelings.  When I first enrolled at Stockton, I thought I was sure about my career choice.  I was determined to get a degree in biology and become a physical therapist.  However, after taking a few courses, I realized that I am not cut out for the medical field.  The overwhelming feeling of failure engulfed me as I thought about the disappointment my parents were sure to feel.  If I wasn’t going to be a biology major, what other option did I have? It was then that I heard about the Speed Dating event in the TRLC.  I figured since I had no clue what I was going to do, I might as well give it shot.

As I walked into the TRLC, my attention was immediately grabbed by the amount of tables filling the space in the room.  I was amazed to see the variety of alternatives I could try.  Instantly I was circling the room, reading each sign as I awaited a table that captured my interest.  I found myself wandering closer to the language, literature, and arts tables.  In my youth, I have always had a fascination for languages and art, so I decided to give those tables a try.

The woman directing the table was friendly and informative.  She answered all of my questions with a smile and helped to map out a career plan for me.  She convinced me that there are many different possibilities in the languages department.  I was so absorbed by the conversations we had that I ended up spending the entire time sitting at one table.  I had finally found what I was looking for.  I knew then that obtaining a degree in languages is my destiny.  This event helped me to realize that going to college isn’t about finding the degree with the most money or making parents happy.  It’s about following your own goals, working hard to achieve them, and having fun.  After all, what’s the point of having a career, if you don’t enjoy it?