Tap Dogs

            The dance show Tap Dogs was performed at Stockton’s Performing Arts Center on Saturday, September 22ndTap Dogs was created by Dein Perry and it premiered in Australia in January of 1995.  It features six brutish tap dancers who perform in a construction site.  As the show progresses, the set changes and the performers utilize the change in environment in unique ways.  It’s an exciting and high energy performance that has its audience clapping and tapping their feet too.
            The show follows six construction workers who fool around on the site.  They tease each other while entertaining themselves with different sequences of tap moves.  It is filled with interesting attention-grabbers such as the use of sparklers, water, basketballs, and pressure sensitive plates that produce percussive sounds.  The cast taps on different surfaces like wood floors, metal plates, long pans, ladders, metal bars, and steel girders that are slanted on a forty degree angle.  At one point one member even taps upside down!  Throughout the show the rhythm is emphasized by two talented percussionists who assist them from above with occasional drum solos. 
            The show is unique since it uses unconventional objects and surfaces to produce vivacious sounds while using the performers’ bodies to create a theatrical act.  They have distinctive ‘costumes’ that are simply casual clothes similar to a construction worker’s.  Furthermore, the characters in Tap Dogs each have their own personalities that are shown through their dancing and gestures.
            Overall, it was a great show.  The dance moves they performed were very impressive and entertaining.  I was amazed at the fact that they were able to dance for seventy five minutes straight, and, still able to perform an encore.  I recommend all those who are interested in dance or simply a good show to see this performance.