The Get Involved Fair

I went to the Get Involved Fair this week. It was very exciting. There were tables everywhere and tons off music and brightly colored posters decorating every table. Everyone wanted you to join their club whether or not you were good at whatever they were advertising.

The first say was inside because of “inclement weather” but it was sunny pretty much all day. But the second day was outside and there was chalk writings advertising for clubs all along the sidewalk from my housing building to the fair. They were really colorful and eye catching, you couldn’t help but watch the ground as you walked.

I personally think the fair was much better outside, the tables went in spirals and lined the path and really made the circle feel alive. I had never seen so many people all out on campus at once. I joined two clubs, and I’m happy with that. My friends joined three or more just because they could. I am happy that they found interesting things to join, but it’s hard not to when you see how many clubs and organizations there were out there. Every table was decorated just to advertise what their club was like, and it was gorgeous. The Chemistry Society had a picture of an atom and their banner that read “Chemistry Society” and they had bismuth crystals on their table (which by the way and GORGEOUS!). The Gaming Club on the other hand had an game cube out on the first day since they were indoors, but the second day they had a chess board out. The Anime Club had drawing and shirts out on their table, Student Senate was registering people to vote, and EDIBL had candy bugs on their table.

I really look forward to seeing this again next year, and maybe I’ll be sitting at a table advertising for some new club that I’ve founded. There were so many clubs to join, and some didn’t even have tables out but you could hear people talking about them and wondering why there were no tables. I really enjoyed the Get Involved Fair, and I think it was a pretty good start to this semester. Hopefully it will continue to be as awesome as it was this year.