
The Ninth Annual S.O.A.R. trip was destined to be great because all the planning from the previous year slowed over into this year. Due to an unfortunate accident, the weather decided to downpour as a hurricane passed through our area, last year’s S.O.A.R. trip was cancelled, but it was full speed ahead this year. As excitement built, the freshman started arriving on campus to unload their things and to load the buses. Energy hit its peak as we pulled into camp and the experience began. The trip was intended so the freshmen could make friends, and I believe that those of us who succeeded had the time of our lives. The trip began with unloading our bags, heading to the cabins, claiming bunks, and then meeting for dinner and icebreakers. The icebreakers become a staple part of every freshman’s diet as each new club or activity decides that the ice has not been broken enough. However, these icebreakers became bonding moments and although I groan when I hear the word, I am excited to relive the memories I made while playing icebreakers with my fellow classmates. Also while on the trip we learned to respect our differences and find common ground, even when far above it. The ropes course was a terrifying, but exhilarating test of will. When you are up on the ropes and all that you see is the ground, you learned that there were people routing for you. As anyone crossed the rickety bridge or ran up the uneven log, there was a network of people cheering from the ground. The positive motivation and the collective will for the person to succeed carried on into our classes where we help one another and cheer for them to do well. The entire trip built teamwork between the tribes and promoted ingenuity and creativity in problem solving. At the end of the day, the memories I have with the friends I made, will not go away, and I encourage all freshman to attend the event, even if you do not like camping. The friends, fun, and early check-in make the entire trip worth the time and money.