Blog 15: The Day of Scholarship

The Day of Scholarship was held on March 22nd, 2012 and it held a variety of presentations by students and faulty.  The presentation I attended was called People’s Court: Too Much Mickey or Not Enough Mickey?  The presentation was run by Professor Beverly “Bev” Vaughn and some of her students from her choir class.  In the presentation she was the moderator and she had three students on the side of “pro-Mickey” and three students on the side of “against-Mickey.”  The three students presented their arguments that varied from Disney makes us happy and has us express ourselves to Disney has women dependent on men and leads to domestic abuse.  Professor Bev had us jump up and cheer “Go Mickey!” if we agreed with the point or point our thumbs down and yell “Donald Duck!” if we disagreed.  We discussed if the over abundance of Disney in our childhood made us happier or just drain our parents of money.  At the end the audience could give their points.  The whole presentation was loud and lively and was a lot of fun.  The entire time I was laughing at the antics of the room, while also seeing the different sides of a cultural argument.