J.R. Martinez

J.R. Martinez, war veteran and a jack of all trades, spoke for free to any Stockton student who wanted to listen on February 16 in the PAC.  Winner of Dancing with the Stars and actor on All My Children, Martinez had come very far from his injuries in the Iraq War. This event was sponsored by the College’s First Year Experience, Office of Veteran Affairs and the Political Engagement Project.

When Martinez was just 19, he decided to go into the army to have free college after his term was done.  Then he was called to Iraq, and there his humvee hit a landmine.  The resulting explosion burned him and destroyed most of his face.  Ever since then, he has had many surgeries and fought through his ordeal.  He brought his story of recovery to many other recovering veterans, and then he began to act on All My Children.  Eventually he was called to do Dancing with the Stars and won.

Besides his difficulties in the war and what went on afterwards, Martinez spoke very lovingly of his mother and family.  Though he didn’t get to have the dream of football any longer, he became a stronger person after his ordeal.  Martinez also joked with the audience by throwing in little catch phrases like “Just sayin’ ” to give everyone a breather.

I thoroughly enjoyed this.  It did not even feel like 2 hours had gone by!  Because I am on the GI Bill, I got to hear of this before anyone else, and being able to see this man and hear his story really made a difference in my day.  I remember very clearly something he said. “Imagine this is $5 you are gonna save for later.  What I’m about to say may not have anything to do with what’s happening in your life now, but save if for later when you need it.”  I may need this some day.  And I am happy to have had the opportunity to hear this man speak.