Atlantic City Outreach with SCF

The first of my ongoing service projects is the Atlantic City Outreach with Stockton Christian Fellowship.  This usually occurs the second Saturday of every month, and usually about 20 of us participate to help the homeless and less fortunate.

The second Saturday of every month, Pastor Ray picks us up in the big tan van and takes us to his home, which is about five minutes off campus.  We form an assembly line to make a lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a banana, cookies, and a water and put them into a paper bag.  Another group loads up socks and gloves, while another group makes hot food, which is usually a pasta dish of some sort.  After prayer and loading into the vans, we drive to Atlantic City and set up in a park. Those less fortunate than myself line up and get socks, a bagged lunch, hot food, and Bible literature if they prefer it.  For families with kids, we always try to give them a bit more, for children require a bit more care then adults do.  Once we are done giving stuff out, we always clean up the park and talk with the people for a little while before we leave.

While doing this project, I really connected with the people, for I recognize them as equal to myself.  There was even one man who sang and danced with us.  We all really had a great time connecting to the crowd and making their day a bit brighter.  While some would be really frightened to venture into Atlantic City and be with these people, but I am not.  I recognize them as people, and I will help them, for that is what humans should do.  Help one another.