Stockton Blood Drive

Tuesday September 20, 2011, I volunteered at the Blood Drive being held at Stockton’s Sport’s Center (Big Blue). This blood drive was headed by the Red Cross in a continuing effort to spread aid to those in need. During the drive, students, faculty, and residents alike all came to show their support and donate blood for this great cause. It was encouraging to see how many people came out and took the time to donate. So much so, that the future planned blood drives to be held at Stockton can already expect a large turnout of students and others (who could not be fit into the donation schedule this week).
During the blood drive, I spent most of my time helping those who had just given blood. Once one has donated, it is common for reactions such as light headedness, dizziness, and nausea to ensue, along with the possibility of more severe reactions such as syncope (passing out) or convulsions. To attempt to prevent or lessen these reactions as much as possible, myself and several other volunteers provided water, juice, and food to those who donated blood. A close eye was also kept on the donators to ensure they were not bleeding, and were well enough to leave when ready. While there were several cases of new donators passing out, we were lucky to avoid any consequential injuries, or more harmful reactions.
I myself very much enjoyed being able to help at this blood drive. I was happy to be able to help those who donated, especially knowing how much help their blood would be giving others. Knowing how much of a difference this will be making to those in need is very reassuring, and makes the time and effort put forth completely worthwhile. I hope that all of the future events hosted by Stockton can have the same results and further our positive impact on our surrounding and distance communities.