Take a look here:
Take a look here:
Everlasting, constant, perpetual. Frequently with agent nouns or nouns of action. Cf. Compounds 1c. Obsolete.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1593) v. sig. Ss2v But the time of my euer farewell approcheth.1605 R. Verstegan Restit. Decayed Intelligence Ded. I take my leaue, desyring Almightie God..to bee your maiesties euer protector.1605 R. Verstegan Restit. Decayed Intelligence ii. 42 They haue bin the only and euer possessors of their countrey.1607 S. Rowlands Diogines Lanthorne 29 I know thy euer care For winters want..In Sommer doth prepare.1609 Epist. in W. Shakespeare Troilus & Cressida (2nd issue) sig. ¶2 A neuer writer, to an euer reader.
Please review the two following grammar videos. I will be asking you to repeat the analysis in class:
On Wednesday, November 6, your grammatical review of a classmate’s First Essay is due.
Please complete one page of grammatical analysis (approx.) written right on the essay text. Mark it up as you would a sentence on the board.
Also Write a one-page commentary discussing your
grammatical analysis. This should be typed and stapled to the essay.
Folks, as I mentioned in class, we will be moving the test back into the next week so that you can better prepare. I have been reminded that the second day of precepting is Wednesday of that week. So the test will be split between Monday, October 28, and Friday, November 1.
Keep studying.
Nearing the end of the week, I have posted answers to the verbal worksheet pages. There are some interesting phrases in the group. We’ll need to review them. (By the way, how many verbals and/or verbal phrased can you identify in the previous three sentence?)
See the Handouts and Answers page for the first test of Fall 2019.
Take a look under “Handouts and Answers” for the text of the pre-test you took on Friday the 27th. The answers are there, too.
Take a look here for brief definitions of these core concepts.